Equipment portfolio view


Most medical equipment asset programs lack the sophistication needed to keep track hospital inventory, let alone assist decision makers who need to make informed decisions about equipment needs and operational costs. Many managers keep track of their equipment very well, however, it is typically on a facility by facility basis and not scaled throughout the organization. Goalpost Group’s Equipment Portfolio View (EPV) program encourages IDNs to take a system wide approach by aggregating equipment information on the local level across 30+ data points.

Examples of EVP Reporting Capability

Collecting data in a digestible way can help lead to answering questions such as:

  • Is the equipment located where it is needed?
  • What is the current value of my equipment?
  • Are we taking full advantage of purchasing power?
  • What is our service mix?
  • Do our service agreements make sense?
  • How much exposure do we have on this equipment?
  • How will mandates affect my equipment usage?
  • Should we renew the lease on the equipment?

Equipment Portfolio View focuses on five primary areas to inform the data so action can be taken.

  • Location: Where is your equipment?
  • Equipment: What specific equipment do you have?
  • Service: Who is servicing your equipment and how much is it costing?

Once we know what, where, and who. We can help with what if and how much. 

  • Foresee compliance issues before they become mandatory.
  • Determine the Value of your equipment


The first step to knowing where to go is knowing where you are. Equipment Portfolio View can tell you. Reach out today to explore how Equipment Portfolio View can revolutionize your group’s equipment decision making process.

Does your equipment management feel like herding cats?